Horse Racing 2B

The Horse Racing 2B backdrop depicts a thrilling equestrian scene. With dust clouds kicked up by the pounding hooves of mighty thoroughbreds, you can almost hear the ground rumbling beneath their swift gallop. Sky overhead is painted a sunny blue, perfectly capturing the exhilarating ambiance of a day at the races. The stands are teeming with eager spectators, their eyes focused on the jockeys skillfully guiding their steeds around the vermilion dirt track. A wave of anticipation builds towards a climactic finish line, promising a victorious celebration in this immersive backdrop.

Code: SP021B
Type: Non Sectional 1PDP
Weight: 6kg
Size: 2.3m High x 4.7m Wide
Note: This is a 1 piece non sectional backdrop and it comes with its own support rigging
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